Breanna Macon is a full-time student and Marketing Assistant from Mountain House, CA! With her busy schedule she still finds time to be a creative in making content for YouTube and advancing in Photography. Though Breanna’s record collection is fresh, she hopes to one day expand her collection and share with others about the love of music!

“I’m an all-time music lover who doesn’t just enjoy a specific genre of music but loves anything with an amazing beat.”

Learn more about Breanna’s love for music below and follow and subscribe to her YouTube channel: Breanna Macon

Social Media: @brebear1227

Top 5 Favorite Records and songs:

“Help Me Lose My Mind” by Disclosure on Settle

“Cause I’m a Man” by Tame Impala on Currents

“TiO” by Zayn on Mind of Mind

“This is the Life” by Two Door Cinema Club on Tourist History

“The Mother We Share” by Chvrches on The Bones of What You Believe

Favorite Genres:

Electronic/Dance, Pop, Alternative/Indie, Hip Hop, R&B

Favorite Record Shop(s):

I mostly go to Thrift Stores to find records but some of the ones that are of newer albums, I go online to find them.

What made you start collecting records?

My cousin had a record player and I was so intrigued by it that I asked him all about his records and how he got records of newer albums that were just released. He told me about Best Buy, Urban Outfitters and even Target selling records of popular albums and I became really interested in records. I asked by dad to buy me a record player for my birthday and later, on started my record collection.

What is the first record you’ve bought?

The first record I got was Disclosure’s Settle and I got it from my brother. He gave it to me as a birthday gift. I am obsessed with this album and have definitely played it out, way too much.

What are the most recent records you’ve added to your record collection?

The most recent one’s I have added were records that I bought from Target: Tourist History by Two Door Cinema Club, Currents by Tame Impala and The Bones of What You Believe by Chvrches. These are by far classics that I definitely needed in my collection and I couldn’t be any happier!

What records are you looking to add next?

Whenever I look for a new record to purchase, I like to look for the one’s where I like at least half of the songs on the album. Currently I am looking to find The Nightday by Zhu, Solace by RÜFÜS DU SOL and also Blonde by Frank Ocean. I really enjoy these albums and I think that they would be a great next addition to my collection. If I am going to a thrift store, I look at everything and pick random ones that think to be great. Most of the time they are amazing!

How many records do you think you have in total without counting?

In total I believe I have 20. I know that I’ve bought at least 10 and the rest are one’s that I have been gifted.

How do you organize your record collection?

Since my collection is still small, but still growing, I keep my records in a small crate, having my most favorite songs on the top.

What is a day of crate digging like?

I mostly look from different thrift stores and look until I see something I like. I don’t spend too much time looking at one general place; I look for what I like and move onto the next.

How does music make you feel?

Music gives you this feeling that can totally change your current mood. No matter what’s going on in your life, once you find a good beat that vibrates your entire body, you can’t help but move around and feel the sensation. I think music makes me feel like I can do anything, and it always is something I can go to when I want to escape whatever is going on in my life.

How important is music and having records apart of your life?

Music has been very important in my life ever since I was young. My father always had our family listening to music and always looking at the brighter side of life. I love having records because it gives me a way to express my taste in music to other. I also appreciate that music has not only gotten me through tough times but reminded me of how great it has made me feel in the past.

Why do you believe women’s music taste vital?

I don’t think that music is gender specific but rather universal to anyone who enjoys a great tune. Music is one of the things that brings people together and I think that is something that really matters. People of different backgrounds can come together and have a great time just because of music, and I think that it is very powerful.

What advice do you have for other women who want to start collecting records?

If you want to start collecting records, the only thing you need to really do is to go out and just do it! I got lucky enough to have people in my life to educate me on records and the amazing things that having a collection can bring. I would also say to visit different places that sell records and step out of your comfort genre. Everyone has a favorite type of music but if you just go and buy a record with songs you’ve never heard of, you’ll learn to love new sounds and find something interesting. Learning about new things and hearing new music is the best way to find out about what you really love.


